In the dry, sun-soaked deserts of Utah, we're often reminded to guzzle down that H2O, and for good reason! Water is the fuel that keeps our bodies running smoothly, but there's one part of us that might be thirstier than you think—our eyes.

Photo by Marina Vitale on Unsplash

Now, we all know that dehydration can make us feel sluggish and dizzy. Just the other day I got behind in my hydration and I was surprised how fast I started feeling the effects. I felt a little like being at the fair, getting off a second round riding the Tilt-O-Whirl, but have you ever considered what it does to your peepers? That's right, those beautiful eyes need moisture just as much as the rest of your body, especially in Utah’s moisture-hungry environment.

Eye Drops Self

Dry eyes can cause irritation, redness, and that annoying scratchy feeling, making you blink like a broken convenient store sign. So, what's the fix? Hydration, of course! And if that’s not enough, a little help from some trusty eye drops can go a long way. These little bottles of magic can provide your eyes with the moisture they desperately crave.

administering eye drops

If regular eye drops aren’t cutting it, consider going for a thicker formula that’ll cling to your eyes longer, giving them the hydration they need to thrive in this arid land.

Read More: “Eyes Hurt” Trends Following Solar Eclipse Seen In Utah

So, while you're chugging your daily dose of water, remember to give your eyes a little TLC too. Keep them hydrated, and they’ll keep you seeing clearly through the bright Utah sun. After all, eye health isn’t something you want to overlook—literally!

Feeling Thirsty? How to Stay Hydrated During Extreme Heat

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