5 Things St. George Natives Say All The Time
If you're a native to St. George Utah, then you have seen this town go through a lot of changes over the years.
Here's some things that St. George natives keep saying all the time.
"It didn't used to be this crowded."
When I tell people that just 15 years ago you could go to Zion and find a parking spot without a problem, they have a hard time believing me. But it's true! Before Instagram, Zion really was a quiet retreat!
"That used to be a Café Rio."
Before it was a giant mega chain, Café Rio began right here in St. George and it was pretty awesome. The employees knew your name, they celebrated when you ordered extra cheese, the service was LIGHTENING fast. I'm telling you man it was wild. And yes. We remember it tasting even better than it does now.
"I remember when movies were $1.50."
And no, it was not in the 1950s. Flood Street theater would run older movies that were about to go to video, and they were only $1.50. If there was a movie you wanted to see, but you didn't want to pay full price, you could just wait and see it at the flood street theater for cheap.
"I remember when all of this was just dirt"
We say this all the time, usually while driving past...well anything.
"We didn't used to have crime."
And in many ways, we still don't. Crime rates are incredibly low in Southern Utah compared to the rest of the world, but we still bring up how we "never used to lock our doors at night." In hindsight, that was because the town was so safe, or we were just very naïve.
What do you say all the time in St. George??

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