6 Utah Spiders to Watch Out For
You may have noticed some spiders crawling into your Utah home to escape the rainy weather....
Not a welcome guest for most.
The beehive state has four super venomous (or at least labeled venomous) spiders. And of course, they’re huge and look like they belong in the 1990 movie “Arachnophobia”. As a certified arachnophobe myself, even seeing PICTURES of the big little guys gives me shivers.
However, they do provide some pest control, so I suppose they have their ecological uses...
If you see one of these four spiders outside (or inside!) your house this summer, it would be best if you simply sold the house. It’s too late. The spiders now own your house and there's no returning.
All jokes aside, here’s everything you need to know about Utah’s venomous spider gang:
Black Widow
Now, it’s common sense to avoid these guys but unfortunately, they have a real knack for hiding in the worst places. Most commonly seen in Utah is the Western Black Widow spider, U.S. Human and Wildlife Interactions said.
These spiders have a unique marking on their abdomens of a splotch of red. The name comes from the super gross habit the female spiders have where they eat their male partner. Only the females are venomous, and their bite is one you will want to avoid at ALL COST.
“The symptoms of these bites are pain, nausea, sweating, swelling, and goosebumps, and in worst cases; fatality. “- U.S. Human and Wildlife Interactions
Hobo Spiders
The next spider looks like it belongs to the wilds of Australia, but it doesn’t. It’s just huge and has WAY too many legs. The Hobo spider has been feared for its supposedly “necrotic” venom but, more recent studies are pointing to the fact that this guy may not actually be all that dangerous to humans.
I’m still moving if I find one in my house, dangerous or not.
Wolf Spiders
If you live ANYWHERE in the west, you’re very aware that every other spider is identified as a Wolf Spider. These are the BIG BOYS of the spider world, and they are freaky looking enough to be up there with tarantulas!
Fun fact: Wolf spiders carry their babies on their back which is absolutely terrifying. One summer while I was watering my parents' lawn the hose nozzle hit a brown blob. It exploded and baby spiders were flying everywhere. I haven't set foot on that lawn since.
Despite their creepy looks and weird child carrying habits, these spiders aren’t dangerous to humans. Their bite can cause a severe allergic reaction in some cases but outside of usual bug bites, you'll live.
Yellow Sac Spiders
These spiders are deceitful. They’re smaller so one might assume they can’t be more terrifying than the previous spiders. Well, that’s 100% wrong. The Yellow Sac Spider may be about the size of a nickel but if you’re bit, you’re in BIG trouble.
The Yellow Sac spider has cytotoxin in its venom which is kind of like that acid stuff you see in the movie Alien. It kills your skin but probably without all the sound effects and sizzling.
“The first signs seen after a bite from a Yellow Sac are localized burning for up to an hour, and occasionally nausea, fever, stomach aching, and lethargy. The site may develop a dead-skin cap called an eschar, that should fall off naturally after 7 to 10 days. This however must be monitored as infection by bacteria, fungi, or archaea can cause further, more serious health issues.”-U.S. Human and Wildlife Interactions
ALL of these spiders make my skin crawl but for some reason, the Yellow Sac spider is in a league of its own. Apparently bigger doesn’t always mean deadlier.
Check out these tips from U.S. Human and Wildlife Interactions for spider bites.