KDXU Sunrise Stories for October 5, 2023: Rollover Crashes in Southern Utah, Game Shows, and Health Care for Immigrant’s Children
KDXU Sunrise Stories: Volume 68
Statewide News – 10/05/23
Bipartisan Bill Gives Healthcare to Immigrant Children
Groups of people gathered in Salt Lake City at the Glendale Community Learning Center on October 4 to celebrate a new bipartisan bill.
The new bill will allow children of immigrants to be eligible for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
The program will begin to help these little ones in early 2024, with Senate Minority Leader Luz Escamilla and Republican Representative Jim Dunnigan sponsoring the bill.
Half a Million for Small Business Exports
Utah received $500,000 from the State Business Administration’s State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) to help small businesses grow their exports.
Small businesses that rely on international or global expansion work will benefit the most from these gifted funds.
The grants are possible due to support from World Trade Center Utah and the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity.
Potholes Cause Lane Closures on I-15 in Juab
A chunk of I-15 near Juab is closed until sometime next week due to a large pothole that opened up.
The Juab County Sheriff’s Office said the lane closure is in place in Mona and the 233 underpass is closed.
The shutdown started on Tuesday, but repairs are taking longer than expected, which is why the repairs are finishing next week.
Southern Utah/St. George News – 10/05/23
2 Rollovers in Southern Utah
Two separate vehicle rollovers occurred in Southern Utah on October 4 with both accidents resulting in minor injuries for the drivers involved.
The first occurred in the morning near River Road and George Washington Boulevard. A pickup truck reportedly ran a red light, colliding with a white SUV that was turning left, causing the pickup to rollover multiple times. Debree was scattered across the street impeding traffic, but both drivers walked away with just minor injuries.
The second rollover happened near Hurricane in the afternoon where a woman’s 2018 Toyota Tacoma pickup rolled over and ended up on its roof off the side of the road. While the woman was taken to the hospital as a precaution, she’s reportedly doing just fine.
Southern Utah Veterans Home Celebrates 10 Years
The Southern Utah Veteran’s Home in Ivins is celebrating its tenth anniversary today.
The home opened in 2013 with a stated mission to serve veterans and their families while living up to a quote made by Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln said, “Care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.”
The veteran’s home will open its doors to the public today for its 10th Anniversary Open House Celebration from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
St. George Woman Wins Big on The Price is Right
We recently reported on Keri Thompson, a St. George woman who was recently on an episode of The Price is Right, and we managed to get in touch with her for a special interview.
From spinning the wheel, the contestant selection process, and the infamous gift tax, Thompson covered her unique opportunity she experienced back in July.
You can find the full details here in our full article.
Fun fact about Stockton Myers, the writer of Sunrise Stories.
If Stockton could be on a game show of his choosing, he would probably go with Family Feud. He would be able to invite his family to come along with him, and he would do everything in his power to not touch Steve Harvey’s moustache. Don’t ask him why.
Happy Friday Eve!
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