A man was arrested in St. George after reportedly causing a crash on Sunset Boulevard near a Maverick the morning of August 23. While a citation was issued to the man for the crash, that’s not why authorities arrested him.

The man reportedly had five unrelated warrants out for his arrest for various traffic and drug related charges.

The warrants have been issued from various departments across the state of Utah, making this crash the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his crimes.

As for the crash, Sgt. Tyrell Bangerter of the St. George Police Department provided some details on the incident.

Sgt. Bangerter said, “So this morning at about 8 a.m. we had a pickup travelling westbound on Sunset going about 40 miles an hour approaching the light at Westridge. At the same time, we had a white Kia SUV traveling southbound on Westridge at Sunset.”

You can probably see where this is going. According to an independent witness who gave an account to the officers on the scene, the pickup failed to stop at a red light, causing the Kia and the pickup to collide.

The crash blocked two lanes of the area, causing a bit of a traffic jam.

No serious injuries have been confirmed, but the female passenger who was in the SUV reportedly suffered damage to her ribs, and was then transported to St. George Regional Hospital.

The driver of the SUV said he felt completely fine for the most part.

The driver of the pickup who was arrested reportedly suffered some damage to his wrist.

The handcuffs probably didn’t help matters much.

Long story short, nobody was seriously hurt, and traffic began moving again in a quick fashion thanks to the cleanup crew on the scene.


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