Recent Car Crashes in St. George are a reminder to keep your eyes on the road
The weekend of June 9 saw what I can only describe as a car crash cacophony. Meaning, a lot of folks were driving very recklessly for one reason or another in St. George.
Some examples of these types of events include a vehicle being completely engulfed in flames on Sunday, June 11. This specific accident caused the closure of two northbound lanes on I-15 around mile marker 23. Since the initial report, it’s not known as to whether anyone was hurt.
One crash that did have injuries was also on Sunday, June 11. A truck with a trailer rolled off of I-15 at mile point 12. The condition of those involved are not confirmed at this time, but the accident did temporarily close a southbound right lane.
Two vehicles collided on 700 East, 100 South in St. George. It caused westbound traffic to close temporarily. It’s not known if anyone was injured.
So, with all of these accidents, what is the lesson to learn from all of this? Well, the St. George Police Department said one of the most common reasons for accidents in Southern Utah is distracted driving. While that may not be the cause for all of the previously mentioned accidents, I can bet at least one or two of these accidents were caused via distracted driving.
So how can you stay vigilant on the road? You’ve heard it a million times, but it’s still relevant. Don't take your eyes off the road to look at your phone. Don’t take your eyes off the road in general. It’s also important to stay calm on the road, and don’t try to multitask things like eating or putting on makeup while driving.
Lastly, distracted driving could also take a massive toll on your wallet. The SGPD are keeping a particular eye out for distracted drivers until June 25. For the sake of your bank account and your safety, keep your hands at ten and two.
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