After closing in early March to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Washington County’s Senior Centers are set to partially reopen early next week. The Council on Aging will be following safety guidelines from the Southwest Public Health Department as part of the reopening. Some of these measures include taking guest’s temperature as they arrive and encouraging the use of masks. 

Jacob Browning, Director of the Washington County Council on Aging, says the council has continued to operate during the closure. Specifically, they have been operating their Meals on Wheels program which has seen substantial growth during the last few weeks. Browning expects the growth to continue due to current economic needs. 

Meal delivery will continue, but starting next week seniors can come to the center and pick up meals to go. Browning said they are waiting for more direction from the governor’s office and local health departments before they will allow congregate meals in the senior centers. However, they are excited for the return of other social activities.

“We look forward to once again welcoming seniors into our active lifestyle senior centers. Social distancing has impacted everyone. I’m sure these folks will be happy to see friends and return to some of their favorite hobbies,” Commissioner Victor Iverson, who sits on the Washington County Council on Aging, said. 

Beginning next week, Senior Center patrons can expect the return of art, aerobic, and yoga classes as well as various support groups. Billiards, card games, tap and line dancing activities will also resume. The Senior Centers look forward to seeing their patrons again. They are excited to have them come back and participate in activities. 

The Hurricane Senior Center will open on Monday, June 15th while the St. George and Enterprise centers will open Tuesday, June 16th. The Centers will be open from 9 am to 4 pm. The Springdale Senior Center will resume regular operations at a later date.

The Dial-a-Ride program is still going strong. If seniors need a ride for various errands, appointments, or to come to one of the Centers themselves, they can call one of the Senior Centers to schedule a pick-up.

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