Side by Side leads to injuries amid Stormy Weather near Sand Dunes
A side-by-side accident near Sand Hallow State Park resulted in injuries with one patient transported to the hospital via helicopter.
According to Sgt. Darrell Cashin of the Washington County Sheriff's Office, authorities received the report of the traffic accident at about 9:30 a.m. on August 2.
Sgt. Cashin said, “We got a call of a side by side versus a motorcycle up on the sand dunes. There was a 30-year-old male who was not conscious, but he was breathing.”
The man was reportedly the driver of the motorcycle, and while he was unconscious, authorities were not sure of the severeness of his injuries.
That was when reports reached Search and Rescue of the possibility of an injury to the man’s spinal cord.
Sgt. Cashin said, “They got up on the dunes and located the subject, started treating him, and he had an apparent or possible back injury or spinal cord injury. So at that point, they requested a Life Flight.”
A helicopter was dispatched to recover the man, but there was just one problem. A storm was brewing in the area, so It was a race against mother nature to recover the patient before the brunt of the storm could make it to the area.
Luckily, the responders of Search and Rescue were fast, and were able to retrieve the patient before the weather got too chaotic.
Sgt. Cashin said, “They made it on the scene, he was transferred to a Life Flight Helicopter, and he is now on route to St. George Hospital.”
Since then, the 30-year-old motorcycle driver safely arrived at the hospital, but his injuries are still unknown in terms of the severity.
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