St. George Airport runway 90% complete
Day 101 of The Runway Project and it's 90% complete!
The project site continues to be a busy place with efforts focusing on removing dirt and debris from the runway and any rocks larger than three inches from the airfield, finishing runway light cans, sign pads and junction plazas, installing fencing, and grading all of the infields disturbed by construction and along the new pavement.
In addition, the Profilograph team was on-site driving and testing the smoothness of the new runway.
The new 5,400 foot long section was deemed exceptional, and the team is pleased with the results.
Electricians from Tri-state Electric and Utility continue their accelerated pace.
They are currently working Monday through Saturday and did work Labor Day.
They have many items to finish in preparation for testing of the runway lighting systems this week.
The test will take place at night when any corrections will be more visible.
Flights are scheduled to resume on September 26 at SGU.
Grand re-opening activities will be held on Wednesday, September 25.
Details of these events will be available next week and will be outlined in this weekly update.