SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (KDXU) - The University of Utah is implementing stricter COVID-10 protocols as positive COVID-19 cases surge around the state.

Leaders of the institution say the new Omicron variant is potentially less deadly, but is more highly transmissible. The school goes on to say in a press release, “We are already seeing this reality appear as the number of confirmed cases has increased among our community – even as a fraction of people have been on campus during the winter break.”

In attempts to curb the spread of Omicron, the school has three rules that they’ve asked everyone to follow on campus:

  • Test weekly for COVID-19, even if asymptomatic.
  • Get vaccinated against COVID-19 and get a booster when eligible.
  • If you test positive, or are unvaccinated and exposed to COVID-19, follow the 5-5-5 rule

The school is providing eight self-serve locations on campus where anyone with a U of U school ID can pick up an asymptomatic testing kit and then return it at their convenience.

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