United In Prayer: Utah Celebrating Today’s National Day Of Prayer
Before you left your room this morning, did you remember to pray?
Today is National Day of Prayer in the United States.
According to the website daysoftheyear.com, "The National Day of Prayer is a testament to America’s diverse faith landscape, with Christians, Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and people of many other faiths joining in prayer."
One St. George resident said prayer is deeply personal, but anyone can do it.
"I rarely ask for things when I pray," Brent J. said. "Everyone prays differently, but I like to just thank my God for all that I have. It's actually very therapeutic, spending a few moments thinking about and thanking God for everything that I 've been blessed with. Your God and my God might not be the same, but I know a higher power listens to us when we offer up thanks."
The National Day of Prayer has been around since the 1700s in the USA.
"The National Day of Prayer is a significant celebration in the United States, marked on the first Thursday of May each year," according to Days of the Year's website. "This year, it falls on May 2, 2024. It’s a day set aside for people from all walks of life to come together and pray. This tradition is rooted deeply in the country’s history, with over 140 national days of prayer called upon by the President since the 1700s."
The theme of this year's National Day of Prayer, according the website dedicated to the observance, is "Lift Up The Word, Light Up The World" from 2 Samuel 22:29-31 in the Bible.
But the NDP website tries to make it very clear that it's not just a Christian movement. "This government-proclaimed day is offered to all Americans to 'turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.'"
There will be a Presidential Proclamation, local gatherings and a National Broadcast by NDP Kathy Branzell. The broadcast is at 6 p.m. tonight and can be viewed here.
"The observance is a call to prayer and an invitation for reflection and peace. It’s a moment to pause, reflect, and appreciate what we have while recognizing prayer’s importance."

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