The Washington County Water Conservancy District has a message to heavy water users: Be Prepared to Pay More!

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Despite recent moisture, WCWCD director Zach Renstrom reminds everyone that we are still in a drought and we still live in a desert.

To that end, his department has issued a letter to all city managers and a press release to all citizens of Washington County.

The press release is below:

Notice of Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Increase in the Excess Water Use Surcharge for New Connections Made on or after January 1, 2023

Notice is hereby given that the Washington County Water Conservancy District Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 6 pm at the Office of the Washington County Water Conservancy District, located at 533 E. Waterworks Dr., St. George, Utah, 84770, to consider a proposed increase in the Excess Water Use Surcharge for new connections to the District's regional system made on or after January 1, 2023.

The Excess Water Use Surcharge, a component of the Water Development Surcharge, is paid by Municipal Customers to the Washington County Water Conservancy District under the Revised Regional Water Supply Agreement (January 1, 2019). The Municipal Customers historically pass the surcharge on to their individual retail customers.

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The increase in the Excess Water Use Surcharge for new connections is proposed to increase up to $20 per thousand gallons of potable water use exceeding the monthly thresholds shown in the tables below. The base component of the Water Development Surcharge paid by the Municipal Customers is proposed to remain at $l.75 per Equivalent Residential Connection per month for all connections.

The purpose of the public hearing is for the Board of Trustees to receive public comments regarding the proposed increase in the Excess Water Use Surcharge for new connections made on or after January 1, 2023, and to explain the reasons for the proposed increase.

Questions may be directed to the Washington County Water Conservancy District Office at (435) 673-3617.

The Time is Right

The hearing I believe should be a formality and the biggest users (read: abusers) of water in the county should be paying more.

The only flaw in the plan is it is for new users. Next, we need a plan for already established water abusers.

Residential Thresholds for New Connections

SeasonWinter (December, January,


Spring (March, April, May)

Summer (June, July, August)Fall (September, October,




7,500 gallons per month15,000 gallons per month23,000 gallons per month15,000 gallons per month
Potable and Non-Potable Residential Connections7,500 gallons per month7,500 gallons per month7,500 gallons per month7,500 gallons per month

Non-Residential Thresholds for New Connections
Meter SizeMonthly Threshold
3/4" meter36,000 gallons per month
1" meter80,000 gallons per month
1 5” meter260,000 gallons per month
2" meter420,000 gallons per month
3" meter850,000 gallons per month
4" meter1,400,000 gallons per month
6" meter2,600,000 gallons per month
8" meter4,200,000 gallons per month

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