Sunset Blvd, SR-8 will be difficult to travel to in places as construction begins on Monday, April 3.  

The Utah Department of Transportation is starting its project on Dixie Downs Drive to Valley View Drive, a UDOT press release said. The project has two purposes: to improve the Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant Pedestrian Ramps and removing and repaving areas on Sunset Blvd.  

Construction crews will be working Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. until mid-April. Then the crews will be shifting to an 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. schedule until mid-May. There will be no weekend work, the press release said.  

According to the UDOT website, construction in this area could go all the way into June.  

The St. George Police Department is asking that those traveling that way know and do these five things: 

  • Follow the posted speed limit 
  • Be aware that traffic patterns will change 
  • Stay in your lane of travel 
  • Look out for construction personnel 
  • Watch Your Six 

St. George locals are not looking forward to the construction and went to social media to voice their grievances. The SGPD posted an update via a UDOT press release over the weekend warning people about the construction.  

One commenter said,” The city should recommend UDOT paint a designated right-turn lane for EB Sunset turning right onto Dixie Drive in front of McDonald's”.  

Another pointed out that the increased population has made it difficult for drivers to merge safely onto Sunset Blvd.  

“Wish one of the improvements would allow the residents at Sunset Springs Apartments to safely turn left (or right) out of the complex. With the increased traffic on Sunset, plus new fast-food restaurants and other business being built on the south side of Sunset, it's nearly impossible to merge safely onto Sunset.” 

To get updates on the Sunset Blvd/SR-8 construction visit 

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