In case you were wondering, two roads in Southern Utah will not be re-named to honor President Donald Trump. 

The proposed name changes would have replaced the Burr Trail Scenic Backway and John’s Valley Road in Garfield County.  

The decision was made through the Garfield County Commission after the group held a public hearing Monday to discuss the possible change. 

Our news partners with ABC4 Utah reported on this development in an article written by Cannon Secrist and Trevor Myers. 

The article said, “The proposal gave two options for renaming country roads after President Donald Trump. One of the suggestions would have changed the Burr Trail Scenic Backway — a country road that connects Boulder, Utah, to Utah State Highway 276 — to the ‘Donald J. Trump Presidential Burr Trail Backway.’ The other proposed option was to rename John’s Valley Road — a country road connecting Antimony, Utah, to Scenic Byway 12 — to the ‘Donald J. Trump Presidential Highway.’” 

The hearing brought many opinions to the table with one of the more prominent naysayers stating the current road names reflect the heritage of families in the area.  

Robert C. Burr told ABC4 Utah why the current names are just as important as ever.  

Burr said, “I don’t think they need to change a name that’s been on a trail — which he established back in the 1800s, John Atlantic Burr did, as a way to move his cattle from the high country down to the desert... I love Donald Trump. I voted for him, but I don’t love him that much to change my heritage.” 

The commission heard the opinions from both sides and ultimately decided on keeping the road names. This doesn’t mean the conversation is over. Residents suggested renaming a hospital wing after President Trump or painting a mural in his honor. 

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Gallery Credit: Joe Cunningham

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