I was Social Distancing Before Social Distancing Was Cool
I had it going good until I read this article by Brett and Kate McKay on the Art Of Manliness website. I, and my co-host Chris Holmes are introverts, and I figured that gave me the right to be the way I am. Social Distancing? I've been doing that for decades now.
But in reading this article, I had to admit there were some things I held on to as being my truths that might not be as rock solid as I thought. And in reflection, there are some smaller social activities that I look forward to.
For example, over the weekend we had a game night with some of our neighbors and it was one of the funnest nights I've had in awhile. We laughed so hard, and I found myself sorry when it was time to call it a night (despite the fact that I played horribly that night and couldn't win a game).
Still, I'm not going to run away from my “introvertness” because I believe there are some admirable qualities that can be built on.
First and foremost, introverts are great listeners. We tend to be more attentive to others and are able to pick up on subtle cues that others might miss. This makes us excellent friends, partners, and colleagues. We're often the ones people come to when they need a sympathetic ear or some thoughtful advice.
Another advantage of being an introvert is that we're great at introspection. We spend a lot of time thinking about our feelings, motivations, and goals. This self-awareness is key to personal growth and can help us to make better decisions and live more fulfilling lives.
Being an introvert also means that we're comfortable with solitude. We don't need to be around others all the time to be happy. In fact, we often thrive in quiet environments where we can focus on our own thoughts and projects. This independence and self-sufficiency can be a real asset in both our personal and professional lives.
Lastly, introverts are often highly creative. Not sure I would claim this for myself, but introverts have rich inner lives and are able to tap into our imagination in unique and inspiring ways. Many of the world's most famous writers, artists, and inventors have been introverts, and their contributions have enriched the lives of millions.
I've spent a good deal of my life trying to disprove the prevailing thought that “no man is an island.” Thankfully, I have not had total success in my efforts, and have many deep and significant relationships.
But to me, being an introvert is not something to be ashamed of, or try to change. It's a valuable personality trait that comes with many benefits. If you tend to be an introverted person, I would tell you to not be embarrassed by it. Society, as mentioned in the Art Of Manliness article, tends to embrace the extroverts of the world more easily. But that may be changing. Because of the separation we faced during the pandemic, many of us came to accept and even relish in our solitude. By embracing our introverted nature, perhaps we can unlock our full potential and make meaningful contributions to the world around us.
If you spend some of your alone time playing video games, check out the games turning 40 below.
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