April 5 marks the return of the Annual Team Money Good Flag Football game on the football field of Dixie High School at 6 p.m. 

St. George Mayor Michele Randall and Washington City Mayor Kress Staheli have been playfully bantering (at least I hope it’s playful) as kickoff approaches. 

A large trophy is up for grabs along with bragging rights, but more importantly, all money raised at the event will go toward the Children’s Justice Center. This is in line with April being Child Abuse Prevention Month. 

Communication Director for the City of Saint George David Cordero emphasized the desire for bragging rights, but also said it’s all for a good cause. 

Cordero said, “Even more important than bragging rights, and obviously both mayors want to put together the best team possible and win the trophy. That’s all fine and good, but at the heart of the matter is Team Money Good. Team Money Good is an organization created by current and former Utah Tech athletes whose mission is financial literacy.” 

The Children’s Justice Center is the focus of this year’s game and the money raised will be used to assist these kids through difficult situations. 

Cordero said, “They provide a wonderful service. The information they have to collect from these kids is horrible, and very bad people have done things to these kids, but this organization interviews the kids, and they get information needed to put the bad guys away. The city wanted us to partner with Team Money Good to help generate funds for the Children’s Justice Center.” 

Tickets are $2 a piece and various prizes and other attractions will be available to those who come to support the teams, and hey, if you feel like hopping into the rivalry between St. George and Washington, be prepared for some serious competition. 


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