You’re Only A TRUE UTAHN If You’ve Done THESE 20 THINGS!
Do you consider yourself a True Utahn? What define's True Utahnism? Being born here? Being raised here? Going to school here? Living here for longer than a week? Well, I found the TRUE TEST to know if you're a True Utahn or not! Here we go! Give yourself one point for EVERYTHING you've done, or been to on this list. READY. SET. GO!
- Seen Delicate Arch (The one on the license plate).
- Been to a Utah Jazz game.
- Been in the water at Sand Hollow, Utah's WARMEST Reservoir.
- Made A Snowball with the Greatest Snow On Earth.
- Have a preference between Utah and BYU.
- Bought a drink from Swig or one of the other 200 soda shops.
- Been to Beaver, Utah.
- Been on the property of an LDS Temple.
- Been to a rodeo.
- Had a conversation with a Polygamous person.
- Made your own fry sauce at a restaurant.
- Had Funeral Potatoes and you WERE NOT at a funeral.
- Celebrated a holiday a day early because the ACTUAL HOLIDAY landed on a Sunday.
- Seen the Great Salt Lake with your own eyes.
- Left the state and bought a lottery ticket.
- You know someone with AT LEAST 9 siblings.
- You've been hunting before.
- You've at least once referred to someone as "Brother" or "Sister" followed by their last name.
- You've been surprised seeing liquor for sale in grocery stores, in other states.
- You or your friend has worn a CTR ring.
Now that you've taken the test, where do you rank?
0-5: You've never even been to Utah.
5-10: You've lived in Utah for a while, but you're NOT Mormon.
10-15: You were raised Mormon and have lived in Utah most of your life.
15-19: Utah is home. You've been here your whole life. You are mormon.
20: Bishop

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