Do you consider yourself a True Utahn? What define's True Utahnism? Being born here? Being raised here? Going to school here? Living here for longer than a week? Well, I found the TRUE TEST to know if you're a True Utahn or not! Here we go! Give yourself one point for EVERYTHING you've done, or been to on this list. READY. SET. GO!

  1. Seen Delicate Arch (The one on the license plate).
  2. Been to a Utah Jazz game.
  3. Been in the water at Sand Hollow, Utah's WARMEST Reservoir.
  4. Made A Snowball with the Greatest Snow On Earth.
  5. Have a preference between Utah and BYU.
  6. Bought a drink from Swig or one of the other 200 soda shops.
  7. Been to Beaver, Utah.
  8. Been on the property of an LDS Temple.
  9. Been to a rodeo.
  10. Had a conversation with a Polygamous person.
  11. Made your own fry sauce at a restaurant.
  12. Had Funeral Potatoes and you WERE NOT at a funeral.
  13. Celebrated a holiday a day early because the ACTUAL HOLIDAY landed on a Sunday.
  14. Seen the Great Salt Lake with your own eyes.
  15. Left the state and bought a lottery ticket.
  16. You know someone with AT LEAST 9 siblings.
  17. You've been hunting before.
  18. You've at least once referred to someone as "Brother" or "Sister" followed by their last name.
  19. You've been surprised seeing liquor for sale in grocery stores, in other states.
  20. You or your friend has worn a CTR ring.

Now that you've taken the test, where do you rank?

0-5: You've never even been to Utah.
5-10: You've lived in Utah for a while, but you're NOT Mormon.
10-15: You were raised Mormon and have lived in Utah most of your life.
15-19: Utah is home. You've been here your whole life. You are mormon.
20: Bishop

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