Cameras Recording Drivers and Sending Tickets 

Photo Cop was banned in Utah clear back in 1996. This was a time when police were experimenting with this technology to catch speeders in the U.S. and Europe. Utah tried speed cameras briefly before passing laws that limited their use. 

One big problem with the cameras was determining who was driving the vehicle. If they did get a picture of the driver, there were privacy questions about comparing the photo with a driver's license database. When studies showed they didn’t necessarily slow down traffic, speed cameras fell out of favor. 

Utah Outlines How Speed Cameras Can Be Used 

The law does say these cameras can be used in school zones and roads with a speed limit under 30 mph. They can also be used to issue warnings to drivers exceeding the speed limit. There has to be signs posted informing the drivers of the use of these cameras. 

There has been a proposal to try using speed cameras in a limited way in Utah to see if it will increase safety. They would post signs in school zones with cameras warning drivers that they were being filmed. The idea is to use it like parking a police car on the street. People see the signs and it will make them more aware of the school zone and their speed. 

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I don’t think this is a terrible idea, but they need to see if it really works. In one study they had a red light that blinked when drivers approached the camera. This often caused them to hit the brakes and created more problems than the speed. 

With all the houses with doorbell cameras and businesses with security cameras, we should all know our driving is constantly being recorded. Maybe the government should just post signs reminding people of this fact.  

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