Little Twist Fire Grows to Over 2,400 Acres in Beaver County with No Containment
The Little Twist Fire in Beaver County continues to grow as fire fighters try to contain the blaze now listed as over 2,400 acres in size.
The fire originally began as a prescribed burn that grew out of control toward the end of last week with poor weather conditions only making things worse.
Trevor Myers from ABC4 Utah reported on the blaze over the weekend describing the process fire fighters are using to fight the ever-growing flames.
Myers said, “On Sunday, the blaze was estimated to be 2,250 acres, but still zero percent contained. Central Utah Fire Interagency said the fire was expected to be “very active” on Sunday, with strong winds expected through Monday.”
Officials working on the fire report over 220 personnel have been assigned to fight the blaze that is still set at 0% containment at the time of writing.
One reason for the fire is the high winds being reported throughout the area. This weather is part of the reason why a Red Flag Warning has been issued for most of Southern Utah as the high winds have been accompanied by overall high temperatures and low humidity.
This type of weather makes for the perfect aid to starting a wildfire both natural and man-made in nature.
As Independence Day approaches, fireworks will be shot off across the state, and that means even more fires will be reported in the coming weeks. Please be extremely careful as the fires can be devastating to the surrounding ecosystem and could put many people in danger. Be sure to practice your Fire Sense.
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Gallery Credit: Elle Cabrera
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