How long have you lived in Utah? Your whole life? Just a few years? It seems like it takes awhile to get used to the local culture. But some people dive in quick! I've lived in Utah my whole life.

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The first half of my life I lived in Northern Utah and the second half here in southern Utah. After moving a few different times to totally different areas I've decided that, we are what we focus on. When I put myself out there and don't wait for someone else to make me feel welcome, I do so much better. Also, we see what we focus on. Look for the good! Ok I'll get off my soap box now and get down to it.

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Quiz time:

#1 Have you ever said, " Oh My Heck!," even if you were only making fun of someone? I say this almost everyday

#2 Have you ever been Ice Blocking. Careful, this is illegal in some places....... We used to do this all the time when I was in high school. It was so fun.

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#3 Have you ever asked for fry sauce?  I pretty much like all of the versions of fry sauce that now exist but the OG is still THE BEST!

#4 Have you ever watched the "Holy War?" Do you even know what it is? Have you ever been in person?

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#5 Have you ever made funeral potatoes when no one died? These are a staple at my house, especially in a Dutch oven.

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#6 Have you ever done a bounce back at Lagoon? Have you seen those prices lately?

#7 Have you ever been to Chuck-A-Rama? There are many nick names for this place, but I have to say that the St George Chuck-A-Rama is the cleanest most delicious one there is. ♥

#8 Have you ever complained about the inversion?

#9 Have you ever walked on the Salt Flats?

DVD Premiere Disney's "High School Musical 2" - Arrivals
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#10 Do you know where High School Musical and High School Musical 2 were filmed?

#11 Can you pronounce Tooele, Lavan and Hurricane correctly?

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#12 Have you ever bought cookies from a cookies only store?

How many did you get right?

1-4 Only been here a minute. Just take a quick walk around Temple Square at Christmas and you will fit right in.

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5-8 Settling in nicely. Although you may claim to be from somewhere else, you know where Footloose was filmed and most people think you are from Utah!

Footloose: The Musical - West End photocall
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9-12 Ahhhhh Utah is home sweet home. You probably have a favorite Swig Drink and a favorite Osmond.

The Osmonds Celebrate 50th Anniversary Concert
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