Test Your Text Abbreviation IQ, So. Utah
Just for fun, I passed out a test at the radio station the other day.
On the "test" were 20 text abbreviations and about a dozen or so people filled out their best guesses as to what the abbreviations meant.
The youngest person taking the test was in his early 20s, while a few of us are in our 50s. Most of the test-takers were under the age of 40.
Amazingly, no one got all the text abbreviations right.
I got 16 of the 20 and a couple of our younger staffers got 18, but were stumped by a couple of the harder ones. Now it's your turn. How well do you know your text abbreviations? (correct answers at the bottom)
- OMG -- Wrong answer: Old Man's Gas (turbo expulsion helps him stand up?)
- GOAT -- Wrong answer: Get Out And Try (good sentiment, but no)
- TYSM -- Wrong answer: To You, Sir, Monkeybread (Sounds delicious, but huh-uh)
- NVM -- Wrong answer: No Value Mail (is that like junk mail or spam?)
- FTW -- Wrong answer: Flippin' Timex Watch (Issues with your timepiece?)
- IMHO -- Wrong answer: A couple of test-takers related it to IHOP pancakes (Melo said "I'm a ho?")
- FWIW -- Wrong answer: For What I Want (Soooo close)
- TLDR -- Wrong answer: Toddler? (I actually got this one right, but only because I encountered it the day before and asked my teenage daughter what it meant)
- YOLO -- Wrong answer: You loser! (That's not very nice)
- LMK -- Wrong answer: Something to do with Martin Luther King (yeah, no)
- TFW -- Wrong answer: Too few words (nice try, but not close Melo)
- IRL -- Wrong answer: Something to do with internet address? (Melo said I rarely lie, but she also called herself a ho earlier soooo ...)
- ILY -- Wrong answer: I'll Let You Know (Where'd the 'K' go?)
- BTW -- Wrong answer: Actually, everyone got this one right (even "old guy" Dan)
- NBD -- Wrong answer: Melo (who rarely lies) said NoBody Died
- FOMO -- Wrong answer: Everyone got this one, although sadly it's a real psychological disorder
- LOL -- Wrong answer: No, grandma, it's not Lots Of Love
- HMU -- Wrong answer: This stumped everyone, although Melo ventured a guess, "Hold My Umbrella" (I didn't say it was a good guess)
- SMH -- Wrong answer: So Much Hate (Maybe another psychological disorder?)
- ICYMI -- Wrong answer: I'll see You in a MInute (Not even close)
Correct answers
- OMG -- Oh My Gosh (surprise!)
- GOAT -- Greatest Of All Time (MJ or LeBron?)
- TYSM -- Thank You So Much (I'm really grateful, but also lazy)
- NVM -- Nevermind (fuggetaboutit!)
- FTW -- For The Win (Usually uttered alongside a really good burn)
- IMHO -- In My Humble Opinion (Also, IMNSHO or In My Not So Humble Opinion)
- FWIW -- For What It's Worth (usually a lowkey way of correcting someone)
- TLDR -- Too Long, Didn't Read (ever gotten one of those reallllly long texts?)
- YOLO -- You Only Live Once (often texted right before making a really bad decision)
- LMK -- Let Me Know (supposed to mean we expect an answer, usually gets ignored)
- TFW -- That Feeling When ... (usually accompanying a cool picture, i.e. -- TFW I made brisket and everyone loved it)
- IRL -- In real life (not in the cyber world that many of us live in)
- ILY -- I Love You (awwwwww)
- BTW -- By The Way (Usually a reminder, i.e. -- BTW tomorrow's our anniversary)
- NBD -- No Big Deal (although often it really was a big deal)
- FOMO -- Fear Of Missing Out (why we do stupid stuff sometimes)
- LOL -- Laugh Out Loud (now that's funny)
- HMU -- Hit Me Up (or contact me later)
- SMH -- Shaking My Head (usually at an incredible display of stupidity)
- ICYMI -- In Case You Missed It (often sent as a reminder)
So how did you do?
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