KDXU Sunrise Stories: Volume 99 


Statewide News – 11/21/23 

University of Utah to Host Last Presidential Debate in 2024 

While it may be about a year away, the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election has already begun, and that includes possible venues for upcoming debates. 

One such debate will be hosted at University of Utah on October 9, 2024, and will be the last presidential debate before the general election in November 2024. 

The Commission on Presidential Debates made the announcement on November 20, and also said the debate will be held at Kingsbury Hall on campus. 

Salt Lake City Elementary Schools in Danger of Shutting Down 

The Salt Lake City School District controversy continues as the district announced that four elementary schools based in Salt Lake City could shut down due to declining enrollment. 

The schools that could shut down include Mary W. Jackson, M. Lynn Bennion, Hawthorne, and Riley Elementary Schools. 

The shutdowns are not set in stone, and residents can voice their concerns at a public hearing scheduled for December 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the West High School Auditorium. 

Know the Signs of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 

The Unified Fire Authority is urging everyone to know the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, calling it the “silent killer.” 

Hazmat Engineer Bethany Bitter told KSTU some of the symptoms include nausea, dizziness, headaches, confusion, and weakness. 

Bitter said carbon monoxide poisoning often occurs when heating vents are clogged, or gas appliances aren’t given proper maintenance. 

This warning came after a family in Ogden experienced carbon monoxide poisoning over the weekend. The Utah Poison Control Center said there were more than 200 emergency room visits and six deaths that came from carbon monoxide poisoning in 2022. 


Southern Utah/St. George News – 11/21/23 

What You Need to Know About Tonight’s Election in St. George 

Election Day 2023 has come to St. George following a delay due to the special congressional election to replace Former Congressman Chris Stewart. 

The special congressional election will see Republican Celeste Maloy and Democrat Kathleen Riebe go head-to-head for Utah’s Second Congressional District. 

The St. George City Council election is also on the ballot with three candidates being chosen from Steve Kemp, Danielle Larkin, Jimmie Hughes, Paula Smith, and Brad Bennett. 

Lastly, the $29 Million G.O. Bond is up for a possible renewal on the ballot. The goal of the bond is to assist in the creation of the recreational projects across St. George. 

Voting closes at 8 p.m. and if you haven’t voted through the mail then you can vote in person at the Dixie Convention Center or drop off your mail-in ballot at one of the many drop boxes across the city, such as the one located at the St. George City Library. 

White Kia Crushed on Bluff Street 

A three-vehicle collision involving a cement mixer occurred on November 20 at about 12:30 p.m. at the intersection of Bluff Street and 700 South. 

The cement mixer approached the stop light followed by a white KIA and then a white Buick Sedan that was reportedly moving at 35 miles per hour crashed into the rear end of the KIA. 

The KIA then crashed into the rear end of the cement mixer, crushing the KIA from both ends. The driver of the Buick Sedan was cited for driving with a revoked license along with following too closely behind a vehicle. 

The driver of the KIA received injuries and was transported to the hospital for treatment. 

St. George Gas Prices are Higher than State Average 

Prices for a gallon of unleaded in St. George are slowly declining, but it can’t catch up to the state average. 

AAA reports the average price in St. George for a gallon of unleaded is set at $3.71 as of November 20. That’s about 40 cents higher than the state average of $3.34. 

While above the state average, the Washington County average is not the most expensive in Utah. That honor belongs to Daggett County which sits at about $4.10. 


Fun fact about Stockton Myers, the writer of Sunrise Stories. 

Stockton actually voted early this year for once in his life. Usually, he waits until the last solitary second before mailing in his ballot, but this year he filled out his ballot in a timely manner. Sadly though, it still took him a second to actually drive to the post office to mail the darn thing. It’s the thought that counts, right? 

Don’t forget to vote and Happy Election Day! 

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