Welcome to another edition of Townsquare Media Weekly News Roundup! 

Everything you missed this week in one place!


Remembering 9/11 

September 11 is a day any American knows and the tragic loss of so many people is honored every year. St. George is no different. Classrooms show footage, events are held, and the mood is somber if not proud.  



New Utah License Plate 

Though Utah is known for its colorful license plate of the Arches, its bringing back a classic. How could you go wrong with white and black? It is classic AND classy. 



The Wheel Weaves for Utahns 

If you aren’t aware, Utah author Brandon Sanderson’s beloved series he finished (originally written by Robert Jordan before his passing) has a television adaption on Amazon Prime, The Wheel of Time. Utahns are BIG fans, and the conversation is hot right now.  


Utah Bats Test Positive for Rabies...YIKES! 

Salt Lake County may have bat..I mean big problem. The critters have tested positive for rabies and health officials are warning parents to keep their kids away from spots like parks and avoid touching the creatures. Good luck with that. 


Utah's Gas Prices are Scary and it's Not Just for Spooky Season 

Getting gas in Utah can sometimes feel like you’ve just given your first-bord child to Rumpelstiltskin or sold a body part simply so you can go to work. John Hiatt has some fantastic FREE tips on how to conserve that gas and save 30%.  


Southern Utah’s Super Cool Test Site 

Hurricane has a mesa with a test site from 1945 on it with possible flying monkeys and bears. David Hiatt (yes, that’s right, John’s brother) was able to go back in the day but it's usually no visitors since it's still an active test site. See the inside scoop here: 



Park Service May Up Fees for Lake Powell Boaters 

The Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is thinking of increasing the fee on passes to help with infrastructure repair and improvement. Right now, the fee is $50 for an annual boat pass and the weekly boat pass is $30. The public is encouraged to help decide the increase.  


It’s a... PLANE. A Really Cool One, I Swear! 

The Western Sky Aviation Warbird Museum has some super cool planes visiting this weekend including a C-47 and a B-29. You can get flight rides and ground and cockpit tours. Learn more here: 



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